Arlington Recreation
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Viking Soccer

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Viking’s youth soccer programs teach children basic soccer skills, while playing fun soccer related games and drills. Players should bring a soccer ball, shin guards and a water bottle. For all outdoor programs, soccer cleats are recommended but not required. This program is for students ages 7-12.

All players receive a Viking Sports T-shirt.

This program will follow all EEC and local Board of Health recommendations and policies. Our program policies have been reviewed and approved by the Arlington Board of Health.

Participants will be divided into groups of no more than (10).There will be no intermingling between groups throughout the day. Each group will receive dedicated drop off and pick up times to ensure minimum large group exposure. Our program will only meet Monday through Thursday and will be OUTSIDE. If a day is cancelled due to inclement weather the program will take place on Friday. If there are multiple days cancelled in a week, prorated program credits will be given.

Screening Policy

All staff, parents, children, and any individuals seeking entry into the program space are required to and will be directed to self-screen at home, prior to coming to the program for the day.
Self-screening shall include checking temperature (temperature of 100.0°F or above is considered a fever), and checking for symptoms included fever, cough, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal symptoms, abdominal pain, unexplained rash, new loss of 5 taste/smell, muscle aches, or any other symptoms that feel like a cold. Anyone with a fever of 100.0°F or above or any other signs of illness will NOT be permitted to enter the program.
All parents and staff must sign written attestations DAILY regarding any household contacts with COVID-19, symptoms (e.g., fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste, or diarrhea), or if they have given children medicine to lower a fever.
Any and all individuals who decline to complete the screening questionnaire or have temperature checked will not be permitted to enter the program space or attend the program.

Age Range
Age range is strictly 7-12 years old

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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